There are 29 letters in the Spanish alphabet, one more than the English alphabet (ñ) and 3 "sounds" (ch, ll, rr).

There is 5 vowels and they produce 5 sharp sounds when working with a consonant.

This table shows the name of the letters, in most of the cases they will produce the same sound that their name.

Spanish phonics

To read in Spanish we divide the words into "groups of sounds", these are made of at least one consonant and one vowel, such as:

Pelota (ball): Pe-lo-ta

Zapato (shoe): Za-pa-to

Sometimes you can have 2 vowels working together (an open/strong vowel with a close/soft vowel). The soft vowel can't have an accent or they will break into two different sounds.

Rueda (wheel): Rue-da

Radio (radio): Ra-dio